Pietro Ruffo
Making up of Spad S VII at National Gallery of Rome
Pietro Ruffo self portrait for Imago Mundi
1978 Born in Rome, IT
Lives and works in Rome, at Pastificio Cerere.
2005 Architecture, University of Rome, Roma Tre, IT
Ruffo continues to live and work in Italy’s capital city. He studied Architecture at the University of Rome until 2005, before being selected for a research fellowship at The Italian Academy for advanced studies in America, Columbia University, New York, in 2010. Ruffo’s practice reflects his intense social and moral concerns, as well as his stance on specific ethical issues. Working with media including drawing, watercolour and sculpture, he creates intricate and meticulously-detailed objects which demand an intense manual working process.
Questions concerning the nature of freedom are at the core of Italian artist Pietro Ruffo’s practice, as his works explore a wide range of social, moral and political issues.
In 2009 he won the Premio Cairo Award (Italy) and in 2010 he was awarded the New York Prize, bestowed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His artist residencies have included working at The International Studio and Curatorial Program, ISCP Centre, New York (2010); the Nirox Foundation, in Johannesburg (2012) and most recently at The Fountainhead Residency, Miami (2013).
He received several public commissions such as SPAD S VII PROJECT in the FUTURISTS ROOM at GNAM (National Gallery of Modern Art) in Rome ; VALENTINO MIRABILIA project for Rome; Luciano Benetton "Imago Mundi" project manifesto.
Deutsche Bank Foundation, US
Hospital of Vladikavkaz, donation of Fondazione Pastificio Cerere
Protezione Civile Italiana, Ossetia del Nord, RU
Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Roma
Fondazione Giuliani
Depart Foundation
Fondazione Guastalla
Fondazione Golinelli
Lodeveans Collection
MAR, Museo d’arte della città di Ravenna
MAMbo, Museo di arte moderna di Bologna
MAXXI, Museo delle Arti del XX secolo, Roma
Chiesa del Sacro Volto di Gesù, Roma
Collezione Maison Valentino
Collezione Benetton
La Farnesina Collection, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome
Selected solo exhibitions
2023 The Planetary Garden.Lorcan O'Neil, Rome
2022 Theatrum Mundi, Uccelliera, Galleria Borghese, Rome.
Anthropocene. Galerie Italienne, Paris.
Anthropocene. Daulang gallery, Seoul.
2021Tutti.Un umanità in cammino. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Rome.
The Politics of stars, Nm Contemporary, MC
TIDALWAVE, Lorcan O'Neil, Rome, IT
Constellations migrations, IA&A AT HILLYER, Washington DC, USA
Constellations Migrations, National Museum, Calcutta
Constellations Migrations, Centro Cultural Correios, Rio de Janiero
A ilusao Perfeita, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Lisbona
Pietro Ruffo, STUDIO CURTIS ROMA, Roma, IT
L’illusion parfaite, Galerie Italienne, Paris
Dior’s 70th Anniversary, installation for Dior Haute couture Fahion show, Invalides, Paris, FR
2016 Pietro Ruffo, Breve storia del resto del mondo, Fondazione Puglisi Cosentino, Catania
2015 Terra Incognita, Italian Embassy Cultural Centre & Basu Foundation For The Arts, New Delhi
2014 SPAD SVII, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome
Liberty House, Siena, Chiesa Monti Pietro Ruffo, SOYEZ RÉALISTE. DEMANDEZ L'IMPOSSIBLE, Galleria Franca Mancini, Pesaro,
Irhal, Irhal, Galleria Lorcan O’Neill, Rome
2012 The political gymnasium, Blain/Southern, London, Uk.
2011 Non siamo ancora stati salvati, T.K. Galeria d’art, Barcelona, ESNegative Liberty, Caffe Florian, Venice, IT
L’enfer c’est les autres, Galerie di Meo, Paris, FRComplex Instant, All – Russian Museum of Decorative Applied and Folk Art, part of the specialprojects of the fourth biennale of Moscow, RU
2010 Premio New York Show (with Marinella Senatore), Cassina Showroom, New York, US
Sei traditori della libertà, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, IT
Roommates/Coinquilini (together with Valentino Diego), MACRO Rome, IT
2009 Pietro Ruffo, Museo Arte Contemporanea di Ravenna, IT
Pietro Ruffo, Un istante complesso, Centro Arti Visive Pescheria, Pesaro, IT
Pietro Ruffo. Grasweg, Galleria Lorcan O’Neill Roma, Rome, IT
2008 Pietro Ruffo, Nothing new under the sand, Testori UK, London, UK
Confini, Museo archeologico Rossi, Ventimiglia, IT
2007Six Nations, Galleria Lorcan O’Neill Roma, Rome, IT
12 Mani-festi, Villa Mercede Library, Rome, IT(Q)uestion (M)ark, Armory Art, Perugia, IT
Beslan doppia mappatura, Studio d'arte contemporanea Pino Casagrande, Rome, IT
2005 Flag, Galleria AKA, Rome, IT2003Geologia umana, Spazio Lavoratorio, Milan, IT
Mostra d’Oltremare, Presidenza Italiana dell’Unione Europea, Naples, IT
Pietro Ruffo, Palazzo dei Congressi, Riva del Garda(Trento), IT
1999 Pietro Ruffo, Cortile di Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome, ITPietro Ruffo, Magazzini Generali, Rome, IT
1998 Air Terminal Duemila, Performance, Air Terminal Ostiense, Rome, IT
Selected group exhibitions
Les Parallèles du Sud, Manifesta 13, Marseille, Paris
Performance in collaboration with Dior and ParolaBianca, Venice Biennale, Labia Palace, Venice, IT
Classic Reloaded. Mediterranea. Bardo National. Curated by B. Pietromarchi. Tunis, TU.
ILMONDOINFINE, National Gallery, Rome, IT
Il richiamo di Chtulu, Manifesta12, Palazzo Mazzarino, Palermo, IT
Collettiva 5+5, Galerie Italienne, Parigi, FR
Lo Spazio del Sacro, Museo Nivola, Orani (NU), IT
Una collezione impossibile, La Triennale di Milano, Milano, IT
Violenti confini, Pinacoteca Comunale di Città di Castello, Città di Castello (PG), IT
SUBLIMINA, Museo delle Mura, Roma, IT
Ecce Homo. Da Marino Marini a Mimmo Paladino. La scultura di figura in Italia, La Mole, Ancona, IT
Gradi di Libertà, MAMbo, Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Bologna, IT
Imag o Mundi: Map o f the New A rt Exhibition of the Luciano Benetton
Collection, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, San Giorgio Maggiore Island, Venice, IT
Nero su Bianco , American Academy in Rome, Rome, IT
Incidents of Phenomena| India-Italy -Myanmar, Spazio Cerere, Rome, IT
Making History , Colombo Art Biennale, Colombo, LK
Green Flower Street , Tatiana Kourochkina Galeria d’Art, Istanbul, TR
Extra Large , MACRO (Museo D'Arte Contemporanea Roma), Rome, IT
Catarifrangenze, MACRO (Museo D'Arte Contemporanea Roma). Roma, IT
Regeneration, MACRO (Museo D'Arte Contemporanea Roma), Rome, IT
2011 Italian Genius Now. Home sweet home, KAOSHIUNG MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, Taiwan, TW
When in Rome, Italian Cultural Institute, Los Angeles, USUN’ITA Italian Artists in New York,
Industria Gallery, New York, US
2010 Amor Parvi or the love of the small, Kunstverein-Langenhagen, DEArtifici
contemporanei e difformità barocche, ARCOS, Benevento, IT
2009 SLASH, paper under the knife, MAD Museum of Art and Design, New York, US Cosi
Lontano, Cosi Vicino, Centro Culture Contemporanee, Rome, IT
Una forza del passato, Red Bull Hangar-7, Salzburg Airport, Salzburg, AU
The Italian Sigh, TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), Tenerife, ES
Cromofobie, ExAurum, Pescara, IT
2008 1988, vent’anni prima vent’anni dopo, Museo d’arte contemporanea Pecci, Prato, IT
Passed as Present: Works from the Lodeveans Collection, York Art Gallery, York, UK
Apocalittici e Integrati, MAXXI, Museum of XXI Century Art, Rome, IT
2006 Notte della Ricerca,Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Frascati, Rome, IT
Crave, Raw Space, London, UK Out art, villa dei Quintili, Rome, IT
Un quadro per un fondo, Palazzo della Cancelleria, Rome, IT
2005 Residenti, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, ITFragments of time, yellow bird
gallery, New York, US
2004 Bioma Urbano, Banca ABN Amro Antonveneta, Rome, ITInsideOut, A temporary art
collection, Red bull music Academy, Rome, IT
Otto monache nigre, Todi, Perugia, IT Premium+, Postdamerplatz, Berlin, DETERRITORIALE:
project room, Milano Flash Art Fair, Milan, IT
Premio Mario Razzano, Museo del Sannio, Benevento, IT
2002 Interno FM, Ex Pastificio Cerere, Rome, IT
2001 Pueri et Magistri, Pianella (Pescara), ITDuetto all’italiana, young artists selected by
Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Sendai, JP
1999 Touring Exhibition organised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian
Institute of Culture, Algers, AD; Ex Mattatoio-Testaccio; Terza Università degli Studi, Facoltà di
Architettura, Rome, IT
Workshops and projects
2007 Wall painting made with the collaboration of patients of psychiatric hospital “Centre
Hopitalier de Rouffach”, near Colmar, FR
2006 Permanent work in the church of S. Volto di Gesù, Rome, IT
Painting workshop with the children of Beslan, 'pocketmuseum' MACRO, Rome, IT
2005 Two permanent wall works for the Hospital of Vladikavkaz, donation of Fondazione
Pastificio Cerere, Protezione Civile Italiana, Ossetia del Nord, RU
Painting workshop with the children of Beslan, Ossetia del Nord, RU
2001 Painting workshop with the children of Sarajevo and Marzabotto, Bologna, IT
Collaboration for performance-video of Alma Sujlievich “Testaccio Fresh-Market”, Le
Tribùdell’arte, MACRO, curated by A. Bonito Oliva, Rome, IT
1999 Workshop for a permanent work at Centro d’Arte Contemporanea of Algers, UNAC, Algers