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Davide D'Elia

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Davide D'Elia was born in 1973 in Cava dei tirreni (SA). Lives and works in Rome. He has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in Italy, England, Lebanon, Greece and Slovenia. His works have been exhibited at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, others acquired in the MAXXI - Museum of the XXI century arts collection and participated in the 55 Venice Biennale (2013).


With an education linked to informal painting, starting from the second half of the 2000s, the artist experimented with the interaction of time and atmospheric agents on matter, which led him to create works composed with solarized materials, worn out by time, and with the mold.


They are works that explore what remains, document history, life projected on things: the artist observes the passage of time carrying on a reflection that concerns not only the awareness of memory but also its transmission.


These works are followed by others in which molds are joined or contrasted with graph paper, precision instruments and space control, completely opposed to the unpredictability of the action of time and nature on things.


In the wake of a reflection that develops logically and consequentially, D'Elia subsequently develops a new line of research apparently opposite to that linked to the signs of time on the material.


In 2014 he created an environmental installation entitled Antifouling an entire environment in which walls, objects, paintings are immersed in a blue lead-based paint, the antifouling in fact, used in boatyards to avoid the wear and tear of boat keels.


If molds, sunburns, dust tell us time and memory on matter, if graph paper tries to control the action of time, the antifouling with its compact blue hides any trace of time, or perhaps tries to preserve matter from time.


D'Elia's works are characterized by the contamination between languages ​​and a conceptual aesthetic. In his works, subjective data and materials are deconstructed and reassembled to become the vehicle of universal thought. So from matter to abstraction.

One man shows (selection)


Neville Brody, NM Contemporary, Monaco

Fesco, curated by Elisa del Prete, Museo Davia Bargellini, Bologna, (Italy)

Italian Council winner for the editorial project "Tiepico cool" curated by Elisa del Prete and Silvia Litardi

nevillebrody, NM Contemporary, Principality of Monaco


"riO", Ex elettronica - Rome (Italy)


"Fresco", Bibo's Place - Todi (Italy)


Limbo's Lingo, Otto zoo, Milano, IT


Cretti Fuochi Muffe, Bibo's place, Todi, IT


Antivegetativa, Exelettrofonica, Roma, IT


Booze around light bulbs, Heimatmuseum, London, UK


Tropical Aryballoi, The bay window project, London, UK


Ieri, distrattamente mi volsi a considerar.. , Exelettrofonica, Roma, IT


Group shows (selection)


Bravo Alfredo, VDMR Residency, Festival delle metamorfosi, curated by Collettivo Zero, Naples/Rome

Cantieri Culturali Isolotto, curated by Pietro Gaglianò

Dynamo Art Factory, "CENTO +1"


Davide D'Elia and Angelo Bellobono, MAXXI L' Aquila


Objets Toniques, NM Contemporary, Principality of Monaco


Exploring portraiture, NM Contemporary, Principality of Monaco


L'instabilita' degli oggetti, Ex Atelier Corradi, Bologna, IT.

Sensibile Comune, Galleria Nazionale Arte Moderna, Roma, IT.


Crossover Cin. Tiziano / Maxxi Museum, Roma, IT.

V Santu Patri, Museo San Rocco, Trapani, IT.

Horizontal, Casa Italia (Giochi Olimpici), Rio De Janeiro, Br.

Passato e Presente, Galleria Nazionale, Cosenza, IT.


Residenza BoCS Art, Lungofiume, Cosenza, IT.

Le Periferie dell'Arte, C.C. Elsa Morante, Roma, IT.

6 dei nostri, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Roma, IT.


Artsiders, Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia, IT.

Art International, Exelettrofonica stand, Istanbul, TK.

Edra - Connecting landscapes, American Academy, Roma, IT.

Art- date, Blank, Bergamo, IT

Iconica: arte urbana al Foro Italico, Foro Italico, Roma, IT.

Twiner 2, Internazionali Bnl tennis 2014, Roma IT.

Art is real, Palazzo Salini, Roma IT.


913 - MAAM Museo dell' Altro e dell'Altrove di Metropoliz, Roma, IT.

8x8=64, galleria Bibo's, Todi, IT.

Nell'acqua capisco, Hart Foundation, Biennale di Venezia, IT.

Twiner, Internazionali Bnl tennis 2013, Roma, IT.

Proiezioni. Installazioni dalle Collezioni del MAXXI Arte, Maxxi, Roma, IT.

Hour interview-Sguardo contemporaneo, Pastificio Lab, Roma, IT.


Tiepido cool, Cosmicmegabrain, Shoreditch studios, London, UK.

Tutto, 26CC, Roma, IT.

Tropical Aryballoi" - The Bay Window Project - London, UK.


Instead of here, Festival Euromediterraneo di Altomonte, Cosenza, IT.


Beyond Existence, Cosmicmegabrain, Cordy House, London, UK.

3500 cm quadri, 27th Biennal Graphic Art, Lujbljana, SLV.

The DonDon Lungeon, Cosmicmegabrain, Shoreditch St., London, UK.


Every other day, 98 weeks, Zico house, Beirut, LI.

HELP Yourself!, Cosmicmegabrain, Cordy House, London, UK.

DrawMusicDraw, Booze Coperativa, Athen, GR.


Horizon of Events, Art Sinergy Gallery, Bologna, IT.

Cf3, Convento dei Benedettini, Ceglie Messapica, IT.


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